The Wangetti region is home to a diverse range of native plants, in more than seven different ecological classifications and more than fifty vegetation complexes. These include the rare types 8a Notophyll Vine Forest (Moist Lowlands on Dunes) and 15d Microphyll Vine Thicket (Moist and Wet Lowlands on Dunes) found along the Wangetti Beach Reserve. The rare 8a and 15d forest in Wangetti is considered arguably the best examples of these types found in the Wet Tropics region.

WTMA Vegetation Survey For Greater Wangetti Region

Vegetation Codes And Descriptions

Rainforest Tree Leaf Size Categories

Nanophyll - less than 25mm
Microphyll - 25mm to 75 mm
Notophyll - 75mm to 125mm
Mesophyll - 125mm to 250mm
Macrophyll - more than 250mm

Altitudinal Zones

Lowlands - 0 to 40m
Foothills - 40m to 400m
Uplands - 400m to 800m
Highlands - greater than 800m

Climatic Zones

Dry - 1300mm to 1600mm (Mean Annual Rainfall)
Moist - 1600mm to 2000mm
Wet - 2000mm to 3000mm
Very Wet - greater than 3000mm

Vegetation Growth Form

Trees - Low (less than 10m); Medium (10m to 30m); Tall (greater than 30m)
Shrubs And Ferns - Low (less than 1m); Medium (1m to 2m); Tall (greater than 2m)
Grasses, Sedges And Herbs - Low (less than 0.5m); Medium (0.5m to 1m); Tall (greater than 1m)



Most of the following native plant species are likely to inhabit the Greater Wangetti Region.
Click on a common name to view image; click on a scientific name to open a page of information. IUCN Red List Index and/or EPBC Threatened Species and/or Queensland Threatened Species rating is shown in brackets. (E) = Endemic to Australia.

Plant Taxonomy and Nomenclature
The system of classification and naming within the Plant Kingdom has an extremely long and complex history. The most recent, scientifically accepted system (for Magnoliophyta - Angiosperms, i.e. Flowering Plants), the APG-IV is far from complete and is still regarded as somewhat contentious (although largely ratified by the latest study in April 2024). The system employed on this page uses the APG-IV as a basis, but then simplifies it to a large degree to enable more mainstream clades to be used, in the upper levels. There should, however, be little debate in regard to a species' Family and Order.
Please see the APG-IV Phylogenetic Tree for some clarification of the complex system used as a basis.

Coastal Plains Species

KINGDOM - Plantae (Plants)
SUBKINGDOM - Tracheophyta (Vascular plants)
SUPERDIVISION- Gymnospermae (Gymnosperms)
DIVISION (PHYLUM) - Cycadophyta (Cycads)
CLASS - Cycadopsida
ORDER - Cycadales
Family - Cycadaceae
Cycas media subsp. banksii - Queensland Cycas (LC) (E)

DIVISION (PHYLUM) - Magnoliophyta (Angiosperms - Flowering Plants)
SUBDIVISION - Eudicotyledophytina (Modern Dicotyledons)
SUPERCLASS - Pentapetalae
CLASS - Asteridopsida
SUBCLASS - Asteridae
SUPERORDER - Campanulanae
ORDER - Asterales
Family - Asteraceae
Cyanthillium cinereum - Little Ironweed (LC in Qld)
Eclipta prostrata - White Eclipta (LC)
Glossocardia bidens - Native Cobbler's Pegs (LC in Qld)
ORDER - Gentianales
Family - Apocynaceae
Alstonia muelleriana - Hard Milkwood (LC)
Alstonia scholaris - Blackboard Tree (LC)
Alyxia oblongata - Prickly Alyxia (LC in Qld) (E)
Alyxia spicata - Chain Fruit (LC in Qld)
Cerbera manghas - Sea Mango (LC in Qld)
Cynanchum viminale subsp. brunonianum - Caustic Vine (LC in Qld)
Gymnanthera oblonga - Harpoon Bud (LC in Qld)
Ichnocarpus frutescens - Black Creeper (LC in Qld)
Parsonsia velutina - Hairy Silkpod (LC in Qld)
Secamone elliptica - Corky Milk Vine (LC in Qld)
Tabernaemontana orientalis - Eastern Gondola Bush (LC in Qld)
Vincetoxicum carnosum - Mangrove Milkpod (LC in Qld)
ORDER - Lamiales
Family - Acanthaceae
Avicennia marina subsp. eucalyptifolia - Smooth-Barked Grey Mangrove (LC)
Brunoniella acaulis subsp. acaulis - Blue Yam (LC in Qld) (E)
Pseuderanthemum variabile - Pastel Flower (LC in Qld)
Family - Bignoniaceae
Deplanchea tetraphylla - Golden Bouquet Tree (LC in Qld)
Pandorea pandorana - Wonga Wonga Vine (LC in Qld)
ORDER - Solanales
Family - Convolvulaceae
Evolvulus alsinoides - Dwarf Morning Glory (LC in Qld)
Ipomoea pes-caprae - Beach Morning Glory (LC)
Lepistemon urceolatus - Urn-Flowered Lepistemon (LC in Qld)
ORDER - Caryophyllales
Family - Aizoaceae
Sesuvium portulacastrum - Sea Purslane (LC)
Family - Amaranthaceae
Achyranthes aspera - Chaff Flower (LC in Qld)
Family - Caryophyllaceae
Polycarpaea corymbosa - Old Man's Cap (LC in Qld)
CLASS - Rosidopsida
SUBCLASS - Rosidae
ORDER - Celastrales
Family - Celastraceae
Denhamia fasciculiflora - Orange Bark (LC in Qld) (E)
Elaeodendron melanocarpum - Black Olive Plum (LC in Qld) (E)
ORDER - Cucurbitales
Family - Cucurbitaceae
Diplocyclos palmatus - Native Bryony (LC in Qld)
ORDER - Fabales
Family - Fabaceae
Chamaecrista nomame var. nomame - Fishbone Cassia (LC in Qld)
Cynometra iripa - Wrinkle-Pod Mangrove (LC)
Guilandina bonduc - Nicker Nut (LC)
ORDER - Fagales
Family - Casuarinaceae
Allocasuarina littoralis - Black She-Oak (LC) (E)
Casuarina equisetifolia subsp. incana - Coastal She-Oak (LC)
ORDER - Oxalidales
Family - Cunoniaceae
Pseudoweinmannia lachnocarpus - Rose Marara (LC in Qld) (E)
ORDER - Brassicales
Family - Capparaceae
Capparis lucida - Coast Caper (LC in Qld)
Capparis ornans - Showy Caper (LC in Qld)
Capparis sepiaria - Wild Caper Bush (LC in Qld)
ORDER - Malvales
Family - Bixaceae
Cochlospermum gillivraei - Native Kapok (LC in Qld) (E)
Family - Malvaceae
Bombax ceiba var. leiocarpum - Northern Kapok Tree (LC)
Commersonia bartramia - Brown Kurrajong (LC in Qld)
Waltheria indica - Sleepy Morning (LC)
ORDER - Myrtales
Family - Combretaceae
Lumnitzera racemosa - White-Flowered Black Mangrove (LC)
Terminalia arenicola - Beach Almond (LC in Qld) (E)
Terminalia catappa - Indian Almond (LC)
Terminalia microcarpa - Damson (LC)
Terminalia muelleri - Australian Almond (LC in Qld) (E)
ORDER - Sapindales
Family - Anacardiaceae
Buchanania arborescens - Little Gooseberry Tree (LC)
Euroschinus falcatus var. falcatus - Blush Cudgerie (LC in Qld) (E)
Pleiogynium timorense - Burdekin Plum (LC)
Semecarpus australiensis - Tar Tree (LC)
Family - Burseraceae
Canarium australianum var. australianum - Scrub Turpentine (LC in Qld)
SUBDIVISION - Magnoliophytina (Old World Dicotyledons)
ORDER - Magnoliales
Family - Annonaceae
Huberantha nitidissima - Canary Beech (LC in Qld)
Miliusa brahei - Raspberry Jelly Plant (LC) (E)
Uvaria concava - Calabao (LC in Qld)
ORDER - Piperales
Family - Aristolochiacae
Aristolochia acuminata - Native Dutchman's Pipe (LC in Qld)
Aristolochia pubera var. pubera - Stinking Aristolochia (LC in Qld)
Aristolochia thozetii var. thozetii - Narrow Leaf Dutchman's Pipe (LC in Qld) (E)
SUBDIVISION - Monocotyledophytina (Monocotyledons)
CLASS - Commelinopsida

DIVISION (PHYLUM) - Polypodiophyta (Ferns)
CLASS - Polypodiopsida (Leptosporangiate Ferns)
ORDER - Polypodiales (Major lineages of Polypod Ferns)
Family - Davalliaceae (Rabbit's Foot Ferns)
Davallia denticulata - Rabbit's Foot Fern (LC in Qld)
Family - Polypodiaceae (Ferns with stems that creep on rock or thin soil over rock)
Drynaria quercifolia - Oak Leaf Fern (SL [Special LC] in Qld)
Family - Pteridaceae (Brake or Maidenhair Fern family)
Adiantum atroviride - Northern Maidenhair Fern (SL [Special LC] in Qld) (E)
Cheilanthes tenuifolia - Curly Fern (LC in Qld)
ORDER - Schizaeales (Climbing Ferns and allies)
Family - Lygodiaceae (Climbing Ferns)
Lygodium flexuosum - Maidenhair Creeper (LC in Qld)

Mountainous Region Species

KINGDOM - Plantae (Plants)
SUBKINGDOM - Tracheophyta (Vascular plants)
SUPERDIVISION - Gymnospermae (Gymnosperms)
DIVISION (PHYLUM) - Pinophyta (Conifers)
CLASS - Pinopsida
ORDER - Araucariales
Family - Araucariaceae
Agathis robusta - Queensland Kauri (LC)

DIVISION (PHYLUM) - Magnoliophyta (Angiosperms - Flowering Plants)
SUBDIVISION - Eudicotyledophytina (Modern Dicotyledons)
SUPERCLASS - Pentapetalae
CLASS - Asteridopsida
SUBCLASS - Asteridae
SUPERORDER - Companulanae
ORDER - Apiales
Family - Pittosporaceae
Bursaria tenuifolia - Slender Bursaria (LC in Qld) (E)
ORDER - Gentianales
Family - Rubiaceae
Atractocarpus fitzalanii subsp. fitzalanii - Brown Gardenia (LC) (E)
CLASS - Rosidopsida
SUBCLASS - Rosidae
ORDER - Fabales
Family - Fabaceae
Acacia celsa - Brown Salwood (LC in Qld) (E)
Acacia crassicarpa - Northern Wattle (LC)
Acacia flavescens - Red Wattle (LC in Qld) (E)
Acacia mangium - Mangium (LC)
Acacia polystachya - Spike Wattle (LC in Qld)
ORDER - Fagales
Family - Casuarinaceae
Allocasuarina littoralis - Black She-Oak (LC) (E)
Allocasuarina torulosa - Forest She-Oak (LC) (E)
Casuarina cunninghamiana subsp. cunninghamiana - River She-Oak (LC in Qld)
ORDER - Myrtales
Family - Myrtaceae
Corymbia citriodora subsp. citriodora - Lemon-Scented Gum (LC in Qld) (E)
ORDER - Sapindales
Family - Anacardiaceae
Blepharocarya involucrigera - Bollygum (LC in Qld) (E)
Family - Burseraceae
Canarium australianum - Scrub Turpentine (LC in Qld)
SUBDIVISION - Monocotyledophytina (Monocotyledons)
CLASS - Commelinopsida
ORDER - Arecales
Family - Arecaceae
Archontophoenix alexandrae - Alexandra Palm (LC) (E)

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