It is considered likely that most of the following native, dangerous flora species are found within the Greater Wangetti Region.
Click on a common name or NCN (No Common Name) to view a large image; click on a scientific name to open a page of information.
IUCN Red List Index and/or EPBC Threatened Species and/or Queensland Threatened Species rating is shown in brackets. (E) = Endemic to Australia.
This is an extensive, but NOT a complete, list of dangerous plant species that may be encountered in the Greater Wangetti region
KINGDOM - Plantae (Plants)
DIVISION (PHYLUM) - Cycadophyta (Cycads)
CLASS - Cycadopsida
ORDER - Cycadales
Family - Cycadaceae
Cycas media subsp. banksii - Queensland Cycas (LC) (E) (seeds are toxic)
Family - Zamiacae
Lepidozamia hopei - Hope's Cycad (LC) (E) (seeds are toxic)
DIVISION (PHYLUM) - Magnoliophyta (Flowering Plants)
CLASS - Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledons)
SUPER-ORDER - Asteranae
ORDER - Gentianales
Family - Apocynaceae
Cerbera manghas - Sea Mango (LC in Qld) (leaves, fruits and seeds are hyperallergenic)
Family - Loganiaceae
Strychnos lucida - Strychnine Bush (LC) (seeds, fruit, flowers and bark contain the toxin Strychnine)
Strychnos minor - Snakewood (LC) (seeds, fruit, flowers and bark contain the toxin Strychnine)
Strychnos psilosperma - Strychnine Tree (LC) (seeds, fruit, flowers and contain the toxin Strychnine)
SUPER-ORDER - Lilianae
ORDER - Alismatales
Family - Araceae
Alocasia brisbanensis - Cunjevoi (LC) (E) (sap contains Calcium Oxalate crystals and is hyperallergenic)
ORDER - Arecales
Family - Arecaceae
Calamus australis - Wait-A-While (LC) (E) (Has strong, sharp hooks on the fronds and tendrils which can easily attach to and rip human flesh)
Calamus caryotoides - Fish-Tail Wait-A-While (LC) (E) (Has strong, sharp hooks on the fronds and tendrils which can easily attach to and rip human flesh)
Calamus moti - Yellow Wait-A-While (LC) (E) (Has strong, sharp hooks on the fronds and tendrils which can easily attach to and rip human flesh)
Calamus radicalis - Vicious Wait-A-While (LC) (E) (Has strong, sharp hooks on the fronds and tendrils which can easily attach to and rip human flesh)
Calamus vitiensis - Mission Beach Wait-A-While (LC) (Has strong, sharp hooks on the fronds and tendrils which can easily attach to and rip human flesh)
ORDER - Fabales
Family - Fabaceae
Abrus precatorius - Jequirity Bean (LC) (seeds contain the extremely toxic substance Abrin)
Castanospermum australe - Black Bean (LC) (seeds contain Castanospermine and are toxic)
Erythrina fusca - Coral Bean (LC) (seeds contain various alkaloids and are toxic)
Erythrina insularis - Coral Tree (LC) (E) (seeds contain various alkaloids and are toxic)
Erythrina variegata - Indian Coral Tree (LC) (seeds contain various alkaloids and are toxic)
Erythrina vespertilio - Bat Wing Coral Tree (LC) (E) (seeds contain various alkaloids and are toxic)
ORDER - Malpighiales
Family - Euphorbiaceae
Aleurites moluccanus - Candlenut Tree (LC) (sap, nut, leaves are toxic)
Aleurites rockinghamensis - Candlenut (LC) (sap, nut, leaves are toxic)
Euphorbia tannensis subsp. tannensis - Desert Spurge (LC) (sap is poisonous and can cause inflammation and blindness)
Excoecaria agallocha - Milky Mangrove (LC) (sap is poisonous and can cause blindness)
Excoecaria parvifolia - Gutta Percha Tree (LC) (E) (sap is poisonous and can cause blindness)
ORDER - Rosales
Family - Urticaceae
Laportea interrupta - Native Stinging Nettle (LC) (have stinging hairs on the leaves)
Dendrocnide moroides - Stinging Bush (LC) (extreme pain from poisonous minute needles on upper leaf surface)
Dendrocnide photinophylla - Shining-Leaved Stinging Tree (LC) (E) (extreme pain from poisonous minute needles on upper leaf surface)
ORDER - Sapindales
Family - Anacardiaceae
Semecarpus australiensis - Tar Tree (LC) (sap, fruit, nut, bark, leaves are hyperallergenic)
Family - Meliaceae
Melia azedarach - White Cedar (LC) (seeds are toxic)