It is considered likely that most of the following endemic, dangerous fauna species are found within the Greater Wangetti Region (except the Hadronyche anzses, which may only possibly be present on the high altitude mountains, such as Harris Peak).
Click on a common name or NCN (No Common Name) to view a large image; click on a scientific name to open a page of information.
IUCN Red List Index and/or EPBC Threatened Species and/or Queensland Threatened Species rating is shown in brackets. (E) = Endemic to Australia.

This is an extensive, but NOT a complete, list of dangerous fauna species that may be encountered in the Greater Wangetti region

KINGDOM - Animalia

PHYLUM - Annelida (Segmented Worms)
CLASS - Clitellata (Clitellates)
SUBCLASS - Hirudinea (Leeches)
INFRACLASS - Euhirudinea (True Leeches)
ORDER - Arhynchobdellida (Proboscisless Leeches)
Family - Salfidae
Barbronia arcana - NCN
Family - Hirudinida
Richardsonianus australis - NCN
Goddardobdella elegans - NCN
Family - Haemadipsidae
Chtonobdella bilineata - NCN
Chtonobdella limbata - Australian Land Leech
Chtonobdella tanae - NCN

PHYLUM - Arthropoda (Arthropods)
SUBPHYLUM - Chelicerata
CLASS - Arachnida (Arachnids)
ORDER - Araneae (Spiders)
INFRAORDER - Araneomorphae
Family - Theridiidae
Latrodectus geometricus - Brown Widow Spider
Latrodectus hasseltii - RedBack Spider
INFRAORDER - Mygalomorphae
Family - Atracidae
Hadronyche anzses - North Queensland Funnel-Web (E) (Image is the closely related Hadronyche annachristiae)
Family - Theraphosidae
Coremiocnemis tropix - Pygmy Rainforest Tarantula (E)
Phlogius crassipes - Queensland Whistling Tarantula (E)
Phlogius strenuus - NCN
Selenocosmia subvulpina - NCN (No image available) (E)
Selenotypus plumipes - Australian FeatherLeg Tarantula (E)
ORDER - Scorpiones (Scorpions)
Superfamily - Bothriuroidea
Family- Bothriuridae
Cercophonius queenslandae - Rainforest Wood Scorpion (E)
Superfamily - Buthoidea
Family - Buthidae
Isometrus maculatus - Lesser Brown Scorpion
Isometrus melanodactylus - NCN (E)
Lychas variatus - Marbled Scorpion
Superfamily - Scorpionoidea
Family - Hormuridae
Hormurus ischnoryctes - NCN (E)
Hormurus karschii - NCN
Hormurus waigiensis - Australian Rainforest Scorpion
Family - Urodacidae
Urodacus macrurus - Queensland Desert Scorpion (E)
Urodacus manicatus - Black Rock Scorpion (E)
Urodacus spinatus - NCN (E)
SUBPHYLUM - Myriapoda
CLASS - Chilopoda (Centipedes)
SUB-CLASS - Pleurostigmophora
SUPER-ORDER - Epimorpha
ORDER - Scolopendromorpha (Tropical Centipedes)
Superfamily - Scolopendroidea
Family - Cryptopidae
Cryptops australis - Blind Scolopendrid Centipede
Cryptops spinipes - NCN
Family - Scolopendridae
Arthrorhabdus mjobergi - NCN (E)
Asanada brevicornis - NCN
Cormocephalus aurantiipes - Orange-Footed Centipede (E)
Cormocephalus brachycerus - Green Centipede (E)
Cormocephalus lissadellensis - NCN (no image available) (E)
Cormocephalus monteithi - NCN (E)
Cormocephalus rubriceps - New Zealand Giant Centipede
Cormocephalus similis - NCN (no image Available) (E)
Cormocephalus spinosior - NCN (E)
Cormocephalus strigosus - NCN (E)
Ethmostigmus muiri- NCN (E)
Ethmostigmus rubripes - Australasian Giant Centipede
Otostigmus astenus - NCN
Otostigmus ateles - NCN (E)
Otostigmus politus - NCN
Otostigmus tuberculatus - NCN (no image available) (E)
Rhysida carinulata - NCN
Rhysida nuda - Blue Legged Centipede (E)
Scolopendra morsitans - Red-Headed Centipede
Scolopendra mutilans - Chinese Red-Headed Centipede
Scolopendra subspinipes - Pacific Giant Centipede

PHYLUM - Chordata (Chordates)
SUBPHYLUM - Vertebrata
CLASS - Aves (Birds)
ORDER - Struthioniformes
SUBORDER - Casuari
Family - Casuariidae
Casuarius casuarius - Southern Cassowary (EN)
CLASS - Mammalia (Mammals)
SUBCLASS - Eutheria
ORDER - Carnivora
Family - Canidae
Canis familiaris dingo - Dingo (Protected in all Australian National Parks)
ORDER - Chiroptera (Bats)
SUBORDER - Yinpterochiroptera (Megabats and closely related Microbats)
Superfamily - Pteropodoidea
Family - Pteropodidae (Megabats)
Pteropus alecto - Black Flying-Fox (LC)
Pteropus conspicillatus - Spectacled Flying-Fox (EN)
Pteropus scapulatus - Little Red Flying-Fox (LC) (E)
SUBCLASS - Marsupiala (Marsupials)
ORDER - Dasyuromorphia (Carnivorous Marsupials)
Superfamily - Dasyuroidea
Family - Dasyuridae
Dasyurus hallucatus - Northern Quoll (EN) (E)
Dasyurus maculatus gracilis - Spotted-Tailed Quoll (NT IUCN) (VU EPBC) (E)
ORDER - Diprotodontia (Non-Carnivorous Marsupials)
SUBORDER - Phalangerida
Superfamily - Macropodoidea
Family - Macropodidae
Macropus giganteus - Eastern Grey Kangaroo (LC) (E)
SUBCLASS - Prototheria (Basal Mammals, Mammaliaform Cynodonts)
ORDER - Monotremata (Monotremes)
Family - Ornithorhynchidae
Ornithorhynchus anatinus - Platypus (NT) (E)
CLASS - Reptilia (Reptiles)
SUBCLASS - Archosauria
ORDER - Crocodylia (Crocodilians)
Family - Crocodylidae
Crocodylus johnstoni - Freshwater Crocodile (LC) (E)
Crocodylus porosus - Estuarine Crocodile (LC)
SUBCLASS - Lepidosauria
ORDER - Squamata (Scaled Reptiles)
SUBORDER - Serpentes (Snakes)
Family - Colubridae
Boiga irregularis - Brown Tree Snake (LC)
Family - Elapidae
Acanthophis antarcticus - Common Death Adder (LC) (E)
Acanthophis praelongus - Northern Death Adder (LC)
Aipysurus duboisii - Reef Shallows Sea Snake (LC)
Aipysurus laevis - Olive Sea Snake (LC)
Aipysurus mosaicus - Mosaic Sea Snake (LC)
Cryptophis boschmai - Carpentaria Snake (LC)
Cryptophis nigrescens - Eastern Small-Eyed Snake (LC) (E)
Cryptophis nigrostriatus - Black-Striped Snake (LC)
Demansia papuensis - Greater Black Whipsnake (LC)
Demansia torquata - Collared Whipsnake (LC) (E)
Demansia vestigiata - Black Whipsnake (LC)
Emydocephalus annulatus - Turtle-Headed Sea Snake (LC)
Furina barnardi - Yellow-Naped Snake (LC) (E)
Furina ornata - Orange-Naped Snake (LC) (E)
Hemiaspis signata - Black-Bellied Swamp Snake (LC in Qld) (E)
Hoplocephalus bitorquatus - Pale-Headed Snake (LC) (E)
Hydrophis curtus - Spine-Bellied Sea Snake (LC)
Hydrophis elegans - Elegant Sea Snake (LC)
Hydrophis kingii - Spectacled Sea Snake (LC)
Hydrophis macdowelli - Small-Headed Sea Snake (LC)
Hydrophis major - Olive-Headed Sea Snake (LC)
Hydrophis ornatus - Ornate Sea Snake (LC)
Hydrophis peronii - Horned Sea Snake (LC)
Hydrophis platurus platurus - Yellow-Bellied Sea Snake (LC)
Hydrophis stokesii - Stokes' Sea Snake (LC)
Microcephalophis gracilis - Graceful Small-Headed Sea Snake (LC)
Oxyuranus scutellatus scutellatus - Coastal Taipan (LC)
Pseudechis australis - King Brown Snake (LC) (E)
Pseudechis porphyriacus - Red-Bellied Black Snake (LC) (E)
Pseudonaja textilis - Eastern Brown Snake (LC)
Tropidechis carinatus - Rough-Scaled Snake (LC in Qld) (E)
Vermicella annulata - Eastern Bandy-Bandy (LC in Qld) (E)
Family - Pythonidae
Simalia kinghorni - Australian Scrub Python (LC in Qld) (E)
SUPERCLASS - Pisces (Fish)
CLASS - Actinopterygii (Ray-Finned Fish)
SUBDIVISION - Euteleostei
SUPERORDER - Acanthopterygii
ORDER - Scorpaeniformes (Mail-Cheeked Fish)
Family - Scorpaenidae
Notesthes robusta - Bullrout (LC) (E)
Pterois antennata - SpotFin Lionfish (LC)
Pterois russelii - PlainTail Lionfish (LC)
Pterois volitans - Red Lionfish (LC)
Synanceia horrida - Estuarine Stonefish (LC)
Synanceia verrucosa - Reef Stonefish (LC)
SUPERORDER - Ostariophysi
ORDER - Siluriformes
Family - Plotosidae
Plotosus lineatus - Striped Catfish (Data Deficient IUCN)
CLASS - Chondrichthyes (Cartilaginous Fish)
SUBCLASS - Elasmobranchii (Sharks, Rays, Skates and Sawfish)
ORDER - Carcharhiniformes (Ground Sharks)
Family - Carcharhinidae
Carcharhinus albimarginatus - SilverTip Shark (VU)
Carcharhinus amblyrhynchoides - Graceful Shark (VU)
Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos - Grey Reef Shark (EN)
Carcharhinus amboinensis - Pigeye Shark (VU)
Carcharhinus brevipinna - Spinner Shark (VU)
Carcharhinus falciformis - Silky Shark (VU)
Carcharhinus leucas - Bull Shark (VU)
Carcharhinus limbatus - BlackTip Shark (VU)
Carcharhinus longimanus - Oceanic WhiteTip Shark (CR)
Carcharhinus melanopterus - BlackTip Reef Shark (VU)
Carcharhinus obscurus - Dusky Whaler (EN)
Carcharhinus tilstoni - Australian BlackTip Shark (LC) (E)
Galeocerdo cuvier - Tiger Shark (NT)
Negaprion acutidens - Lemon Shark (EN)
Family - Sphyrnidae
Sphyrna lewini - Scalloped Hammerhead (CR)
Sphyrna mokarran - Great Hammerhead (CR)
ORDER - Lamniformes (Mackerel Sharks)
Family - Lamnidae
Isurus oxyrinchus - Shortfin Mako Shark (EN)
ORDER - Myliobatiformes (Stingrays etc.)
Family - Dasyatidae
Himantura australis - Reticulate Whipray (LC)
Maculabatis astra - Black-Spotted Whipray (LC)
Neotrygon picta - Peppered Maskray (LC)
Neotrygon trigonoides - Coral Sea Maskray (LC)
Pastinachus ater - Broad Cowtail Stingray (VU)
Pateobatis fai - Pink Whipray (VU)
Pteroplatytrygon violacea - Pelagic Stingray (LC)
Taeniura lymma - Blue-Spotted Ribbontail Ray (LC)
Taeniurops meyeni - Round Ribbontail Ray (VU)
Urogymnus asperrimus - Porcupine Ray (EN)
Urogymnus granulatus - Mangrove Whipray (EN)
Family - Gymnuridae
Gymnura australis - Australian Butterfly Ray (LC)
Family - Aetobatidae
Aetobatus ocellatus - White-Spotted Eagle Ray (EN)
Family - Rhinopteridae
Rhinoptera neglecta - Australian Cownose Ray (Data Deficient IUCN) (E)
ORDER - Orectolobiformes (Carpet Sharks)
Family - Orectolobidae
Eucrossorhinus dasypogon - Tasselled Wobbegong (LC)
Orectolobus ornatus - Ornate Wobbegong (LC)

PHYLUM - Cnidaria (Corals, Jellyfish, Hydrozoans and Myxozoans)
CLASS - Cubozoa (Box Jellyfish)
ORDER - Chirodropida
Family - Chirodropidae
Chironex fleckeri - Australian Box Jellyfish (Data Deficient IUCN)
ORDER - Carybdeida
Family - Carukiidae
Carukia barnesi - Barnes' Irukandji Jellyfish (Data Deficient IUCN)
Malo kingi - Common Kingslayer (Data Deficient IUCN)

PHYLUM - Echinodermata (Crinozoans, Asterozoans and Echinozoans)
CLASS - Asteroidea (Starfish)
ORDER - Valvatida
Family - Acanthasteridae
Acanthaster planci - Crown-Of-Thorns Starfish (Data Deficient IUCN)

PHYLUM - Mollusca (Molluscs)
CLASS - Cephalopoda (Squid, Octopus, Cuttlefish etc.)
SUBCLASS - Coleoidea
ORDER - Octopoda (Octopus)
SUBORDER - Incirrata
Family - Octopodidae
Hapalochlaena lunulata - Greater Blue-Ringed Octopus (LC)
CLASS - Gastropoda (Snails and Slugs)
SUBCLASS - Caenogastropoda
ORDER - Neogastropoda (Cone Snails, Conchs, Mud Snails, Olive Snails, Oyster Drills, Tulip Shells, Whelks etc.)
Superfamily - Conoidea
Family - Conidae
Conus achatinus - Agate Cone (LC)
Conus acutangulus - The Sharp-Angled Cone (LC)
Conus ammiralis - Society Cone (LC)
Conus arenatus - The Sand-Dusted Cone (LC)
Conus aulicus - The Court Cone (LC)
Conus aureus - The Golden Cone (LC)
Conus balteatus - The Belted Cone (LC)
Conus betulinus - Betuline Cone (LC)
Conus biliosus - The Young Cone (LC)
Conus canonicus - The Canonical Cone (LC)
Conus capitaneus - The Captain's Cone (LC)
Conus catus - The Cat Cone (LC)
Conus chaldaeus - Astrologer's Cone (LC)
Conus circumcisus - The Auger Cone (LC)
Conus coccineus - Scarlet Cone (LC)
Conus coelinae - Celine's Cone (LC)
Conus coffeae - The Coffee Cone (LC)
Conus consors - The Consort Cone (LC)
Conus coronatus - Coronated Cone (LC)
Conus cyanostoma - Cox'sp. Cone (LC)
Conus distans - The Distantly-Lineated Cone (LC)
Conus ebraeus - Black And White Cone (LC)
Conus eburneus - The Ivory Cone (LC)
Conus emaciatus - False Virgin Cone (LC)
Conus episcopatus - Episcopal Cone (LC)
Conus ferrugineus - Iron Cone (LC)
Conus figulinus - Clay Cone (LC)
Conus flavidus - The Yellow-Tinged Cone (LC)
Conus floccatus - The Snow-Flaked Cone (LC)
Conus frigidus - The Cold Cone (LC)
Conus generalis - The General Cone (LC)
Conus geographus - The Geographer Cone (LC)
Conus glans - The Acorn Cone (LC)
Conus imperialis - The Imperial Cone (LC)
Conus legatus - The Ambassador Cone (LC)
Conus leopardus - The Leopard Cone (LC)
Conus litoglyphus - The Lithograph Cone (LC)
Conus litteratus - Lettered Cone (LC)
Conus lividus - The Livid Cone (LC)
Conus magnificus - The Magnificent Cone (LC)
Conus magus - The Magician Cone (LC)
Conus marmoreus - The Marble Cone (LC)
Conus miles - The Soldier Cone (LC)
Conus miliaris - Thousand-Spot Cone (LC)
Conus mitratus - The Mitred Cone (LC)
Conus moreleti - Morelet's Cone (LC)
Conus mucronatus - The Pointed Cone (LC)
Conus muriculatus - The Bruised Cone (LC)
Conus musicus - Music Cone (LC)
Conus mustelinus - The Ermine Cone (LC)
Conus nussatella - The Nussatella Cone (LC)
Conus obscurus - The Obscure Cone (LC)
Conus omaria - Omaria Cone (LC)
Conus papilliferus - Juke's Cone (LC)
Conus pertusus - The Lovely Cone (LC)
Conus planorbis - Ringed Cone (LC)
Conus pulicarius - The Flea-Bitten Cone (LC)
Conus quercinus - The Oak Cone (LC)
Conus rattus - Rat Cone (LC)
Conus sanguinolentus - The Blood-Stained Cone (LC)
Conus spectrum - The Filamentose Cone (LC)
Conus sponsalis - The Bridal Cone (LC)
Conus striatus - The Striated Cone (LC)
Conus striolatus - The Striolated Cone (LC)
Conus suratensis - The Surat Cone (LC)
Conus terebra - The Bachelor Cone (LC)
Conus tessulatus - The Tesselated Cone (LC)
Conus textile - Textile Cone (LC)
Conus tulipa - The Tulip Cone (LC)
Conus varius - The Freckled Cone (LC)
Conus vexillum - The Flag Cone (LC)
Conus virgo - The Virgin Cone (LC)

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