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The official opening of the interpretive booths and shaded picnic facilities at the northern and southern carpark areas took place on Sunday March 1, 2009. The short ceremony was well attended by aboriginal elder George Skeene, officials Jason O'Brien and Bill Carrodus, and many local residents including Christine Fry, Kim Booth, Rose Hollands and Nicki Reid. Congratulations on such a great culmination to so much hard work. See photos in "Photo Gallery - Carparks" section.


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Only three years ago the Wangetti Beach Reserve was under threat of severe degeneration due to 4WD activity, camping and other illegal activities. Thanks to a group of dedicated volunteers (us) and some very generous support and sponsorship, we have succeded for the first time in virtually eliminating the major causes of these problems. But that is only part of what we have done, and only part of what we hope to achieve in the future.
One of the next steps in our plan involves public awareness. Awareness of what we are doing, the natural values inherent in this area, and the cultural links to Wangetti. We hope this website can assist in this respect, as well as being a source of information to our prospective sponsors, new members, and of course us.
We hope you come to appreciate what we are doing and in some way, if possible, lend your support. Our vision for the future is a Wangetti that is as unspoilt as possible, so we are doing our bit to help nature return the land to the way it once was.
If we all treat our reserves and national parks the same way - 'take nothing but your memories, leave nothing but your footprints' - then the generations of the future will come to enjoy them too.
In case you were wondering, our logo depicts a Brahminy Kite above and a Cycas below. The Brahminy Kite is a welcome site along the beach areas, while the Cycas has become a ubiquitous feature in most of the inland sections throughout Wangetti.

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